About this blog

“Learning is the emergence of that which was not there before. It is a search for the self as well as for the other and others that surround each individual.” Carla Rinaldi 

This website is a forum for parents, teachers, artists, gallery educators or anyone interested in the intersection of art, play, children and pedagogy. The content featured is built upon an image of children as capable, complex and curious beings who have both the human right and the ability to participate in the construction of the spaces, beliefs and practices that shape their lives.

I believe that art holds tremendous possibilities in facilitating learning, understandings and empathy between people and the world. Similar to the philosophies of Reggio Emilia, the pedagogic values that underscore this work celebrate the importance of subjectivity, difference, participation, democracy, negotiation, uncertainty and emotions in learning. If you are interested in reading more about these ideas, please check out the ‘resources’ tab.

I love connecting with others who share my relentless enthusiasm towards early childhood education and art. Please feel free to comment on the posts!

All content on this website is copyright of Louisa Penfold, unless otherwise stated.